
Oct. 12, 2022

99. The Hows and Whys of Life insurance

Matt Ruttenberg is a Financial Entrepreneur, CMO & Shareholder of Life, Inc. and founder of SureLI Insurance, an independent, digital insurance site that specializes in providing Life Insurance to those pursuing Financial Independence. On this...
Oct. 5, 2022

98. Break Your Bad Pandemic Money Habits!

Over the last couple of years, our pandemic lifestyles have disrupted many areas of our lives, including our finances. On this episode of CFO at Home, Vince and Terri Nicklas, President and Founder of The Wealth Coach for Women, discuss some of the...
Sept. 28, 2022

97. Why Do We Love Our Stuff?

Aaron Ahuvia is a Professor of Marketing, a research psychologist, and the author of The Things We Love: How Our Passions Connect Us and Make Us Who We Are. On this episode of CFO at Home, Aaron and Vince discuss why we fall in love with things, how...
Sept. 21, 2022

96. The Number; How do you know you’re financially ready to retire?

One of the more frequently discussed topics when it comes to retirement planning is the idea of the “number”, or what’s the amount that you need to have saved and invested in order to finally transition into a life of financial independence?...
Sept. 14, 2022

95. Change your Mindset, Change your Financial Future

Alissa Locke has spent her career helping people improve their financial situation, first in the mortgage industry, then insurance and financial services. However, it was her personal money journey that compelled her to become a Financial Coach....
Sept. 7, 2022

94. Breaking the Cycle of Debt

These days, Crystal Williams, Financial Coach and Founder of Smart Money Financial Coaching, works with women and married couples who “make too much to feel this broke” move from financial stress to financial freedom. However, she’s also honest...
Sept. 1, 2022

93. Student Loan Debt Relief and the Cost of College

So as I recorded this it was late August, and the Student Loan Debt Relief Plan was announced about a week ago. Since the announcement there’s been all sorts of discussion about whether or not the debt cancellation portion of the plan is fair;...
Aug. 24, 2022

92. Getting Unstuck in your Finances and your Life

How many times in your life have you just felt stuck; in your job, in your relationships, in your finances, or in some other area? Vince’s guest today on CFO at Home is Dominique Henderson, a Certified Financial Planner and the author of the book...
Aug. 17, 2022

91. Estate Planning Fundamentals

Estate Planning; not the most fun or glamorous financial topic, even for us money nerds, but something that if done properly can really lighten the load for our loved ones at the time that they need it the most. On this episode of CFO at Home, CFP and...
Aug. 10, 2022

90. Retirement - Starting with the Basics

So maybe up to this point you thought about retirement from time to time, but never got around to getting serious about it and creating a plan. Where do you begin? What are some of the basic factors and concepts that you need to be familiar with?...
July 27, 2022

89. Communicating with Your Partner about Money

According to a 2021 study from Fidelity Investments, one in five couples identify money as their greatest relationship challenge, and 44% of partners say that they argue at least occasionally about money. My guest today, Financial Wellness Leader and...
July 13, 2022

88. Financial Procrastination

According to recent statistics, around 1 in 3 Americans have some sort of household budget plan, only 30% have a long-term financial plan that involves savings and investments for the future, yet 70% of us acknowledge that our financial plans need...
July 6, 2022

87. Social Security and Medicare

For most of us, regardless of what other assets we have to fund our retirement, Social Security and Medicare still play a role in our plans. Given that, what are some of the basics and common misconceptions that we should understand about these...
July 4, 2022

Bonus - Grilling Tips (nothing to do with money)!

One of my upcoming guests, James Woodall of Woodall Wealth Management, is not only a Certified Financial Planner and experienced Financial Advisor, he’s also a grillmaster. In honor of the Independence Day holiday here in the US, here are a few of...
June 29, 2022

86. Inflation, Recession, and your Finances (Part 2, Back to Basics)

News about inflation and a looming recession has been dominating the headlines, but what does all of this mean for us and our finances? This is our second and final episode on Inflation, Recession and your Finances here on CFO at Home. In this episode...
June 22, 2022

85. Inflation, Recession, and your Finances (Part 1)

News about inflation and a looming recession has been dominating the headlines, but what does all of this mean for us and our finances? These are the topics that we’ll tackle in the next couple of episodes of CFO at Home. We’ll start today by...
June 15, 2022

84. Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency

For everything that’s been said about Cryptocurrency, the one thing you never hear it called is boring. When its price shoots up, it’s talked about as the opportunity of a lifetime to make huge profits. When its price collapses, it’s dismissed...
June 8, 2022

83. What we all need to Understand about our Money

There are those of us who are self confessed money nerds who love talking, reading, and learning all about money. Other folks appreciate the role that money plays in helping them achieve their goals, but aren’t interested in getting too far into the...
June 1, 2022

82. Teaching Kids to make Money Decisions

There are lots of ways to teach your kids about money; giving them an allowance, paying them for doing household chores, or encouraging them to get an after-school job or start their own small business can all be effective. But what about the money...
May 25, 2022

81. The Choice to become a Millionaire

Attaining millionaire status is considered by many to be one of the signs that you’ve “made it” financially. Today there are more millionaires worldwide than ever, and more millionaires live in the US than any country in the world. However, if...
May 18, 2022

80. Saving, Spending, and Debt from a Biblical Perspective

When it comes to the subject of faith, the church, and money, too often the images that come to mind aren’t exactly positive. Today on CFO at Home Vince talks with Scott LaPierre, a Pastor who is dedicated to teaching sound, practical biblical money...
March 30, 2022

79. Managing your Fear as an Investor

John Stoj spent over two decades as an investment banker and money manager before striking out on his own after the 2008-2009 financial crisis. Today, he mentors people through providing them with financial & strategic advice. On this episode of...
March 23, 2022

78. Developing a Spending Plan to Build Wealth

Walli Miller is a financial coach and money mentor who went from overspending and compulsive shopping to being debt-free and building a multiple six-figure investment portfolio. After gaining control of her finances and creating a plan, Walli is on...
March 16, 2022

77. Stages of Financial Independence

Chris Mamula documented his path to Financial Independence for several years before achieving his own FI goals and leaving his career as a Physical Therapist at age 41. Today, he regularly writes about Financial Independence while expanding the...