Relationships Episodes

July 29, 2020

3. Secret Spending, Debt Reduction Strategies w/ Karen Ford

Karen Ford is a Master Financial Coach, public speaker, entrepreneur, and author who has coached clients through a variety of money issues. On this episode of CFO at Home Vince and Karen discuss dealing with a partner’s secret spending, the...
July 22, 2020

1. Aligning with your partner on money w/ Amy Westbrook

Amy Westbrook is a certified life coach, a member of the International Coaching Federation, and a professional wealth coach. On this episode of CFO at Home Amy and Vince chat about her motivation for becoming a money coach, aligning with your partner...
July 22, 2020

2. No cookie-cutter answers w/ Lindsay Bryan-Podvin

Lindsay Bryan-Podvin is an author, Financial Therapist, speaker, and host of the Mind Money Balance Podcast. On this episode of CFO at Home Vince and Lindsay discuss how to approach “the money talk”, the importance of aligning values, solving...