Retirement Episodes

July 11, 2024

167. Finding Success with Money and with Life

Most of our time on this podcast is spent talking about how to prepare ourselves financially for the future; saving to meet different life goals, investing for retirement, things like that. What we don’t spend nearly as much time discussing are...
May 29, 2024

161. Understanding Long Term Care Options

Long-Term Care Insurance. Perhaps you were looking for something light and maybe a little informative to listen to while driving, walking the dog, exercising, or maybe knocking out a few household chores. Think Long-Term Care Insurance doesn’t fill...
May 1, 2024

159. Financial Literacy for Retirement

When it comes to preparing for your retirement, at the end of the day, no one has as much on the line as you do. Even if you’re fortunate enough to have access to financial professionals to advise you, what are some essential things that you need to...
Feb. 28, 2024

154. Money and Relationships - Money, Relationships, and Happiness

In the final episode of CFO at Home’s Money and Relationships series, Vince talks with Greg Davis, retired Senior Finance Executive, academic, and author of the book "Checkmate: Tips & Lessons to help you Make the Right Moves to Achieve...
Nov. 15, 2023

144. Saving for College and Retirement (at the same time)!

Saving for your kid’s College education. Saving for your own retirement. Which should you do first? Which is more important? Do you really have to choose between one or the other? Or is there a way to work towards both goals simultaneously? That’s...
Oct. 26, 2022

101. What does “Retirement” really mean?

Debbie Emick and her husband Chris reached Financial Independence in their late 30s through rental real estate. Today, they’re both fully “retired” from W2 income and have dedicated themselves to a passion project they call “Go Bucket...
Sept. 21, 2022

96. The Number; How do you know you’re financially ready to retire?

One of the more frequently discussed topics when it comes to retirement planning is the idea of the “number”, or what’s the amount that you need to have saved and invested in order to finally transition into a life of financial independence?...
Aug. 10, 2022

90. Retirement - Starting with the Basics

So maybe up to this point you thought about retirement from time to time, but never got around to getting serious about it and creating a plan. Where do you begin? What are some of the basic factors and concepts that you need to be familiar with?...
June 23, 2021

50. Planning for Retirement and Risk with Ron Surz

Ron Surz is co-host of the Baby Boomer Investing Show, President of Target Date Solutions, and CEO of GlidePath Wealth Management. On this episode of CFO at Home Ron and Vince discuss the current state of retirement planning, gauging retirement risk,...
June 16, 2021

49. Don’t Retire, Graduate! with Eric Brotman

Eric Brotman is the author of the book Don’t Retire...Graduate! He’s also the Chief Executive Officer of BFG Financial Advisors and host of the Don’t Retire...Graduate! podcast. On this episode of CFO at Home, Eric and Vince discuss updating our...
March 3, 2021

34. Unexpected CFO at Home with Liz Hand of Pleasant Wealth, LLC

Liz Hand is a Certified Financial Planner with Pleasant Wealth, LLC in Canton, Ohio. She’s worked in personal finance for over a decade, and focuses her practice on helping women step into retirement by managing investments, designing retirement...
Jan. 27, 2021

29. Retirement Planning Fundamentals with David Elder of Merit Financial Advisors

David Elder is a Certified Financial Planner, Wealth Manager, Branch Manager, and Partner with Merit Financial Advisors. He’s also Vince’s personal Retirement Advisor. Today on CFO at Home, David and Vince discuss retirement planning; factors to...
Jan. 20, 2021

28. The Intersection of Health and Wealth with Stevyn Guinnip of Grow Wellthy

Stevyn Guinnip is a Financial Advisor's daughter who became an exercise physiologist and a certified wellness coach. She’s worked with hundreds of clients to get their health back on track and as the founder & CEO of Grow Wellthy, has helped...