Financial Independence Episodes

April 19, 2023

121. Paths to Financial Independence

For so many of us, Financial Independence, reaching a point where money no longer dictates to us how we live our lives, is our ultimate financial goal. In this episode of CFO at Home, Vince discusses factors that we need to consider while pursuing...
Oct. 26, 2022

101. What does “Retirement” really mean?

Debbie Emick and her husband Chris reached Financial Independence in their late 30s through rental real estate. Today, they’re both fully “retired” from W2 income and have dedicated themselves to a passion project they call “Go Bucket...
March 23, 2022

78. Developing a Spending Plan to Build Wealth

Walli Miller is a financial coach and money mentor who went from overspending and compulsive shopping to being debt-free and building a multiple six-figure investment portfolio. After gaining control of her finances and creating a plan, Walli is on...
March 16, 2022

77. Stages of Financial Independence

Chris Mamula documented his path to Financial Independence for several years before achieving his own FI goals and leaving his career as a Physical Therapist at age 41. Today, he regularly writes about Financial Independence while expanding the...
March 2, 2022

75. Financial Sustainability

Myles Wakeham is an Australian who migrated to the US in 1989 and has since become a multi-millionaire who lives a 100% free and unconstrained life. He also hosts "The Unconstrained Podcast" where he teaches the art of Financial Sustainability to his...
Jan. 19, 2022

74. Financial Freedom is within your reach!

Howard Dekkers’ life journey has taken him from growing up in a lower middle class family in Detroit to becoming a self made millionaire whose single passion is to help others achieve their part of the American dream through the Howard Dekkers...
Oct. 13, 2021

66. Journey to Financial Independence

Matt Pasierbek is the Host of the Journey to Freedom podcast, where he talks about world travel, finances, and success stories with people around the world. He’s also on his own personal journey to Financial Independence. On this episode of CFO at...
March 17, 2021

36. Financial Independence with Diania Merriam of the EconoME Conference

Diania Merriam is the founder and Chief Economist of EconoMe LLC, which was formed to launch the EconoMe Conference, an event centered around financial independence that’s known as the "Ted Talks" of the Financial Independence Retire Early, or FIRE...