July 11, 2024

167. Finding Success with Money and with Life

167. Finding Success with Money and with Life

Most of our time on this podcast is spent talking about how to prepare ourselves financially for the future; saving to meet different life goals, investing for retirement, things like that. What we don’t spend nearly as much time discussing are...

Most of our time on this podcast is spent talking about how to prepare ourselves financially for the future; saving to meet different life goals, investing for retirement, things like that. What we don’t spend nearly as much time discussing are other topics that are just as important; things like finding meaning along the journey, be it through your job or other pursuits, and preparing emotionally for retirement. On this episode of CFO at Home, Vince dives into these topics and more with Michael Kay, Certified Life Coach and the creator of Chapter X, a community for men transitioning to life after their careers. You can learn more about Michael and Chapter X by visiting michaelfkay.com

Key Takeaways:

  • Understanding your personal values and interests is crucial for a fulfilling retirement.

  • Men often struggle with identity and purpose after leaving their careers due to societal conditioning to be competitive and independent.

  • Building interdependent relationships and being open to new experiences can help ease the transition into retirement.

  • Early emotional preparation for retirement is as important as financial preparation.

  • Exploring personal interests and hobbies can provide a sense of purpose and satisfaction post-retirement.

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