132. Weekly Budgeting

At the end of the day, any effective budget is a communication tool. If you’re using it solo, it’s communicating to you where your money is going, and how well your spending aligns with the priorities that you’ve defined. If you’re budgeting...
At the end of the day, any effective budget is a communication tool. If you’re using it solo, it’s communicating to you where your money is going, and how well your spending aligns with the priorities that you’ve defined. If you’re budgeting with a partner, the budget is communicating this info to the both of you, helping to keep you both on the same page. However, this only works when both parties buy into using the budgeting tool, without which the budget can quickly become a source of resentment, frustration, and disagreements. On this episode of CFO at Home, Dan Seethaler, the Cofounder of the budgeting app Weekly and Vince discuss how budgeting on a weekly basis can make the process simpler and easier to manage for all parties involved. You can learn more about the Weekly app by going to WeeklyBudgeting.com
Key Takeaways
How Dan and his wife decided to budget weekly (1:53)
The clarity that weekly budgeting provides (5:04)
Course correcting your budget (9:00)
Getting started with weekly budgeting (13:57)
Who weekly budgeting works best for (19:54)
How weekly budgeting can help reduce money fights (29:47)
Words of encouragement for budgeting (33:56)
Contact the Host - vince@thecfoathome.com